Life Events
To enquire about Funerals, Weddings, or Baptisms & Thanksgiving Services for the birth of a child, please contact the vicar, Revd Jeremy Ive using the form below, email:, or phone: 01892 836653
Funerals, Burials and Interment of Ashes
Our condolences if you've had a bereavement. Please let us know if we can pray for you or your family.
We are able to conduct funeral services, burials, and interments of ashes for those entitled for this within the Parish of Tudeley, Capel, and Five Oak Green with our two churches and churchyards of All Saints, Tudeley, and St Thomas a Becket, Capel.
If you are considering this, your first point of contact should be through a Funeral Director, who can liaise on your behalf with the Vicar about the necessary arrangements; you are also welcome to do so directly yourself by contacting Revd Jeremy Ive to see what is involved and for the necessary details.
We are delighted you are considering having your wedding with us. You can find some information about getting married in our church:
Baptisms and Thanksgiving Service
for the Birth of a Child
Anybody asking for baptism in our church must have a Service of Thanksgiving before the baptism. We regret we cannot baptise children from outside the parish; this reflects agreed policy with neighbouring parishes and wider Church of England Canon Law.
Baptisms may only take place during a main Sunday service. Thanksgivings can take place at other times and on other days by arrangement.
A child should be baptised in the parish in which he or she is living as it is that parish which has pastoral care for the child growing up in the Christian faith. The only exception to this is when parents are regular worshippers at Tudeley or Five Oak Green.
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Contact Form for the Vicar, Revd Jeremy Ive:
Please complete and press send. You will be contacted as soon as possible. (*Mandatory Fields)