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Special Events & Church Services





Saturday Coffee Mornings
1st Saturday of each month, 10:30am-12:30pm

Coffee Mornings ACH 2024 FB (1
All are very welcome to come along for Tea, Coffee, Cake and conversation at our monthly Coffee Mornings on the 1st Saturday of each month, 10:30am. 
January to March 2025 to be held at Arnold Cooke Hall, adjacent All Saints' Church Tudeley, TN11 0NZ

Dates 2025:
Saturday 4th January




Christmas header

All Welcome to our special

Advent & Christmas Services   


For all of our December services, please click here

Sunday 1st December   

10am at All Saints' Tudeley

All-Age Worship

A family-friendly service as we begin the season of Advent


Sunday 8th December   

4pm at Five Oak Green Church (Studio)

Advent Meditation

A time of led quiet reflection

Sunday 22nd December      

3:30pm Five Oak Green on the Green    

Carols on the Green

Community Carol Singing including a short Christmas message


6:30pm at All Saints Tudeley

Carol Service 
A family-friendly service singing traditional Christmas Carols

Tuesday 24th December   Christmas Eve    

4pm at  All Saints Tudeley   

Crib Service

A family-friendly service exploring the story of the Birth of Jesus


9:30pm* at All Saints Tudeley

Holy Communion CW 

(*Midnight Bethlehem Time) 

An evening service sharing Holy Communion together as we approach Christmas Day 

Wednesday 25th December   Christmas Day    

10am at All Saints' Tudeley

Holy Communion CW

A family-friendly celebration for the Birth of Jesus
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Coffee Morning

Saturday 7th December, 10:30am
at Five Oak Green Church

All Welcome to a Coffee Morning jointly hosted with Hoppers Gym.

7Dec24 Coffee Morning - Made w


Coffee Mornings

June  -  November 2024
Coffee Mornings ACH 2024 FB (1

All are very welcome to come along for Tea, Coffee, Cake and conversation at our monthly Coffee Mornings on the 1st Saturday of each month, 10:30am. 
From October to be held at Arnold Cooke Hall, adjacent All Saints' Church Tudeley, TN11 0NZ

2024 Dates:

Five Oak Green Church, TN12 6QY
1st June
6th July
3rd August
7th September

Arnold Cooke Hall, adjacent All Saints' Church, Tudeley
5th October  
2nd November 



 Remembrance Image

Remembrance Sunday - 10th November

10:30am       Act of Remembrance & Laying of Wreaths
                       Brampton Bank

10:55am      Remembrance Service
Thomas à Becket, Capel

                 ALL WELCOME



thanksgiving service image

Thanksgiving Service for Loved Ones who have Died

Sunday 27th October, 3pm
at St Thomas à Becket Church, Capel


If you would like the name of a family member included in the prayers, ensuring you have permission from the next of kin, please advise us in advance:
- by completing one of the lists in All Saints’, Tudeley, or St Thomas a Becket Capel
- or in writing only to: Revd Jeremy Ive, The Vicarage, Sychem Lane, Five Oak Green, TN12 6TL, email:

You are invited to bring a single bloom from your family to be incorporated with others into a flower arrangement during the service.



Easter SErvices

all held at All Saints’ Church, Tudeley, TN11 0NZ

PALM SUNDAY 24th March
10am         Morning Prayer

7:30pm      Meditation

GOOD FRIDAY 29th March
2pm            Meditation

10am          Holy Communion CW



Pilgrim The Creeds


A 6 week course:
Tuesdays 13th February until 19th March 7:30pm at Five Oak Green Church

(each session 1 1/2 hours maximum )
Our Lent series this year will use the Pilgrim Course 5 on the Creeds, which are central statements of Christian belief.  The course aims to provide an opportunity to those both recent and longstanding in the Christian faith to explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.  It will involve biblical reflection and prayer, shared with others, to come to a deeper understanding of what we as Christians believe.  The course will be jointly led by Sonya and Jeremy.  Booklets of the course are available to all who wish to attend.  If you are interested in joining the course, please contact Revd Jeremy Ive: .


Christingle A6

Christingle, Sunday 4th February 2024,
4pm at All Saints' Church, Tudeley

A fun and interactive service for all the family with a special guest appearance of 'Chris Tingle'.
Refreshments to be served afterwards

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Visiting All Saints' Tudeley


Use the Opening Times and Planning your Visit pages

for all the information you need to plan a visit to All Saints' Tudeley.

All Saints' Church, Tudeley is a very special place which warmly welcomes visitors who come to see the magnificent stained-glass windows as well as those who come to the church for private prayer and reflection.  Please be aware that if you come for private prayer there may be visitors in the church, and for those visiting the windows we ask for respect and sensitivity to be shown to those in prayer.  

The church is accessible for wheelchair users having a low door threshold into the church and a specially constructed ramp to the chancel area. Toilets, including an accessible toilet, are located in the adjacent hall. Toilet facilities can only be made available during church services or for visitors booking a guided talk in advance.

For further assistance in arranging your visit, 
please contact the Church Office using the form below
or call 01892 833241

The church office is closed on Friday 20th December and usual Office Hours will be suspended until Monday 6th January 2025.
Emails will only be checked occasionally during this period.  
Submitting an enquiry will generate an automated response containing information on visiting the church.

Need assistance with your visit?
We hope our website provides all the information you need to plan a visit to All Saints' Church Tudeley and the Chagall Windows. For further assistance please contact us using the form below and press SEND.  (For Groups of 8 or more wishing to make a booking enquiry please use our Group Booking Form)
Email Address:

Thank you - We will contact you to discuss your visit.