Opening Times
The church is usually open DAILY to visitors, Monday - Sunday, except for Sunday services and occasional closures:
9:00am - 4pm in winter (during GMT)
9:00am - 6pm in summer (during BST)
Check our regularly updated ONLINE CALENDAR for when the church may be occasionally closed to visitors such as church services (some Sunday mornings at 10-11am), funerals or weddings. Pre-booked group visits are also entered on the calendar which you may choose to avoid if you would prefer a quieter experience.
Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st February inclusive - B2017 CLOSED for roadworks. Access to All Saints' Tudeley may be prohibited during this period, although it is hoped visitors will be able access to visit the church. Check for details here:
Saturday 2nd August 12 - 2pm. Blessing & Dedication of a Marriage
Sunday 21st September 4-6pm. Service of Evening Prayer with Quorum Choir.
Check for details here:
In search box enter postcode TN11 0NZ and select appropriate date period.
Please enter the church by the SOUTH door through the church porch.
(The West Door facing the church hall is permanently locked).