God and Galileo
The battle for the soul of the world

In January 2023, All Saints' Tudeley were delighted to welcome Professor David Block to talk about his book God and Galileo which explores the relationship between faith and contemporary science.
You can watch the talk (duration: 1 hour) by Professor David Block here:
A Synopsis of “GOD & GALILEO” by Professor David Block

The debate over the ultimate source of truth in our world often pits science against faith. Incorporating insights from a letter written in 1615 by famed astronomer Galileo Galilei, Emeritus Professor David Block – a professional astronomer - explores the relationship between contemporary science and faith.
He argues that there is a fundamental distinction between the nature of truth (which includes God’s special revelation to us, by His Grace) and the truth of nature (which includes the sciences in general, and astronomy in particular).
Professor Block demonstrates that the Book of Nature is in complete harmony with the Book of Scripture, as both Books have the same author.
Read here a bio of Professor David Block by the University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa