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Holy Table Frontal

Holy Frontal

All Saints' Frontal for Ordinary Time was dedicated on Trinity Sunday, 22nd May 2005. 

The frontal and accessories for the Communion Table were made to replace the outworn old ones; the need for new furnishings was a great opportunity for a community project. As many people as possible were involved: each stitcher was prevailed upon to do a sample and then complete a word or part of the text. This was then joined to all the rest and applied to the background by Patricia Gregory, who made all the items. It took 6 months to complete.  

The design was a joint effort between Rev Dr Jeremy Ive and Frances Hawken, who masterminded the project. Jeremy Ive provided the Hebrew text and the following explanation for its inclusion:

"The text draws equally on the Jewish and Christian background (Chagall, of course, was Jewish). The text is the Jewish call to prayer, the Shema (“hear”). It was quoted by Jesus, who linked two separate commands in the laws of Moses, one from Deuteronomy and the other from Leviticus, to précis the Ten Commandments. In this way, Jesus underlined that the relationship which we have with God is bound together with the relationships we have with our neighbour, the person with whom we have to deal (whether we regard that person as a friend or an enemy). The spiral indicates that it all takes its source in the central call of Jesus, the word of God, from whom all things proceed. It also shows how our obedience to God needs to flow out to the whole of life."

The embroidery brought together differing people in the parish and beyond, making it a community venture from which all benefited, especially through getting to know and love our neighbours.
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Planning your Visit

Visiting All Saints' Tudeley


Use the Opening Times and Planning your Visit pages

for all the information you need to plan a visit to All Saints' Tudeley.

All Saints' Church, Tudeley is a very special place which warmly welcomes visitors who come to see the magnificent stained-glass windows as well as those who come to the church for private prayer and reflection.  Please be aware that if you come for private prayer there may be visitors in the church, and for those visiting the windows we ask for respect and sensitivity to be shown to those in prayer.  

The church is accessible for wheelchair users having a low door threshold into the church and a specially constructed ramp to the chancel area. Toilets, including an accessible toilet, are located in the adjacent hall. Toilet facilities can only be made available during church services or for visitors booking a guided talk in advance.

For further assistance in arranging your visit, 
please contact the Church Office using the form below
or call 01892 833241

The church office is closed on Friday 20th December and usual Office Hours will be suspended until Monday 6th January 2025.
Emails will only be checked occasionally during this period.  
Submitting an enquiry will generate an automated response containing information on visiting the church.

Need assistance with your visit?
We hope our website provides all the information you need to plan a visit to All Saints' Church Tudeley and the Chagall Windows. For further assistance please contact us using the form below and press SEND.  (For Groups of 8 or more wishing to make a booking enquiry please use our Group Booking Form)
Email Address:

Thank you - We will contact you to discuss your visit.