Visitors are often struck by the many echoes of Judaism in the church. It is not at all surprising that this should be so.
Chagall was of course Jewish, and so was Sir Harry D'Avigdor Goldsmid, the father of Sarah who drowned.
Rather than focus on differences, at All Saints' we prefer to concentrate on the many things we share - not only with Jews, but with people of all faiths and none.
So just as you will find Jesus in Chagall's work, dressed in a prayer shawl and with a T'fillin on his head, so too you will find Hebrew inscriptions and quotations in our church.
If you are interested in the relationship between Chagall's work and Jewish and Christian belief, you may like to obtain a copy of Chagall the Theologian by Andrew Bowden, on sale in the church.
An explanation of the Holy Table Frontal
The frontal at All Saints' Tudeley, Kent, was made as a result of a community project in 2005.
©Photograph by Peter Tulloch